Bed Bug Treatment
Bed bugs can be picked up anywhere and are hard to spot, but our trained technicians can effectively eliminate them so you can sleep tight!

Bed bugs are about the size of an appleseed, and only come out to feed in the middle of the night – so they can be hard to find! Contrary to what the name suggests, bed bugs aren’t only found in beds. Their flat shape allows them to fit in very small cracks and crevices in your bed frame, headboard, dressers, picture frames, behind baseboards, or inside wall outlets. We will also look for other signs that may indicate an infestation, like blood spotting or molted shells. Our technicians are trained to know exactly where to look. We will thoroughly inspect all bedrooms and living areas to confirm bed bug activity before we treat.
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Nope! Just about all furniture is treatable. If you choose to throw away furniture please either make it unusable or write “bed bugs” on it so the problem doesn’t spread to someone else.
Unlike their blood-sucking friends, the mosquito and flea, bed bugs DO NOT spread diseases.
While there are lots of pests that may bite, and we can’t identify the pest by looking at the bites alone, a common misidentification is carpet beetles. Carpet beetle larvae have tiny hairs that irritate the skin, and can look similar to bed bug bites. Carpet beetles themselves are commonly misidentified as bed bugs! Our technicians can accurately identify these pests so we can determine the best plan of action.
If you suspect a wildlife infestation on your property, it is best to contact our team of wildlife technicians immediately. Do not attempt to handle the situation on your own, as wildlife removal requires expertise and specialized techniques.
Bat bugs are a type of bed bug that primarily feed on bats, which may be in your attic. In order to eliminate the bat bugs, you will have to remove the bats first. Our wildlife service team can provide a quote for bat removal.